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Combined 5 Bank Officer (Cash) Exam Question Solution 2022

Combined 5 Bank Officer (Cash) Exam Question Solution 2022 is available below. Combined 5 Bank Officer Question has been solved by educational team. 5 Combined Bank Officer MCQ Question Solved also publishes Questions and today’s Exam Question Solution Categorize on Our website 5 Combined Bank Exam Questions and answers are helpful for govt bank job seekers in Bangladesh. Combined 5 Bank Officer Exam Taken by Finance Department, Dhaka University. 5 Bank Exam Circular Base Year 2019 and Job ID: 10117. See Combined 5 Bank Question With Full Answer 2022 below.


Combined 5 Bank Officer (Cash) Exam Question Solution 2022

5 Bank Question Solution Download link will be available on this post. All information on the Combined 5 Bank MCQ and Written Exam Full Question Solution 2022 is available on this post.

Organization Information

Organization Name Combined 5 Bank Under Bangladesh Bank
Organization Type Government organization
Official Website

Combined 5 Bank Exam Vacancy    

Circular Base Year: 2019

Job ID: 10117 

Post Name: Officer (Cash)

Total Vacancy: 1439

Age limit: 01/03/2020 

Bank Name and Bank Wise Vacancy:

1. Sonali Bank Limited (SBL)-864

2. Janata Bank Limited (JBL)-105

3. Agrani Bank Limited (ABL)-400

5. Rupali Bank Limited (RBL)-85

5. Bangladesh Development Bank (BDBL)-03

Total Vacancy: 1439

Exam Date: 25 March 2022 

Exam Time: 10 AM to 11 AM  

Total MCQ Candidate: 133704

Total Written Candidate: 15000 (More or Less) 

Application Last Date Was: 22 February 2021 (11:59 PM)

Admit Download Last Date was: 27 September 2021

Admit Download Start Date was: 13 September 2021

See More… 

Combined 5 Bank Officer (Cash) Exam Result 2022

See Combined 5 Bank Officer (Cash) Exam Question 2022 Below: 

সমন্বিত ৫ ব্যাংক

পদের নাম: অফিসার ক্যাশ

সময়: ১ ঘন্টা। পরীক্ষার তারিখ: ২৫-০৩-২২।  পূর্ণমান: ১০০ 

১। ‘বিদীর্ণ দর্পণে মুখ’ কাব্যগ্রন্থের রচয়িতা কে? উত্তরঃ আহসান হাবীব (আহসান হাবীব এর  ১৯৮৫ সালে প্রাকশিত কাব্যগ্রন্থ  বিদীর্ণ দর্পণে মুখ) 

২। কবি শামসুল রাহমানের ‘ আদিগন্ত নগ্ন প্রতিধ্বনি’ প্রকাশিত হয় কোন সালে? উত্তরঃ ১৯৭৪ সালে 

৩।.‘রেস্তোরা’ শব্দটি কোন ভাষা থেকে এসেছে? উত্তরঃ ফরাসি শব্দ ( কার্তুজ, কুপন, ডিপো, রেস্তোরাঁ -এইগুলা ফরাসি শব্দ) 

৪। ‘অম্বু’ শব্দের প্রতিশব্দ কোনটি? উত্তরঃ জল ( ‘অম্বু’-এর সমার্থক শব্দ: পানি, সলিল, নীর, উদক, জল) 

৫। নিচের কোনটি বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযুদ্ধভিত্তিক উপন্যাস?  উত্তরঃ একটি কালো মেয়ের কথা 

(একটি কালো মেয়ের কথা  উপন্যাস মুক্তিযুদ্ধভিত্তিক প্রথম উপন্যাস তারাশঙ্কর বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়ের “একটি কালো মেয়ের কথা”। ১৯৭১ সালে এটি প্রকাশ পায়। গল্পের নায়ক ডেভিড আর্মস্ট্রং।) 

৬। “রাতের মধ্যভাগ”- এক কথায় প্রকাশ কি হবে? উত্তরঃ মহানিশা 

৭। বাংলাদেশের কোন স্মৃতি বিজড়িত এলাকায় রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর জমিদারির জন্য ঘুরে বেড়ান? উত্তরঃ কালি গ্রাম  

৮। নিচের কোনটি ‘নদী’ শব্দের সমার্থক শব্দ নয়?  উত্তরঃ লহরী  ( লহরী অর্থ ঢেউ, তরঙ্গ, ঊর্মি) 

৯। বিপরীতার্থে ‘পরা’ উপসর্গ শব্দ কোনটি? উত্তরঃ পরাভব (পরাভব অর্থ পরাজয়, হার) 

১০। ‘রক্ষকই ভক্ষক’ বাক্যটি কোন জাতীয় বাক্য? উত্তরঃ সরল বাক্য

১১। ‘অহি’ শব্দের সমার্থক শব্দ কোনটি? উত্তরঃ সাপ   

১২। কোনটি নিত্য স্ত্রী বাচক শব্দ? উত্তরঃ সতীন ও সপত্নী 

১৩। ‘এক’ এর বিশেষ্যরূপ  কোনটি? উত্তরঃ একতা 

১৪। ‘অনুগ্রহ’ এর বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ কোনটি? উত্তরঃ নিগ্রহ  

১৫। বাংলা  সাহিত্যে চলিত ভাষার রচিত প্রথম গ্রন্থ কোনটি? উত্তরঃ বীরবলের হালখাতা 

১৬। ‘(একদিন) পাপের ফল ফলবে’ কোন কারকে কোন বিভক্তি? উত্তরঃ অধিকরণে শূন্য  

১৭। Kazi Nazrul Islam was a well-loved poet, no other poet since has been so _____. উত্তরঃ poetical 27

১৮। The helicopter passed overhead with a ___ sound, like a giant insect. উত্তরঃ crashing 28

১৯। An ___ Current of dissatisfaction among the Russian soldiers indicated to the president that revolution was becoming a possibility. উত্তরঃ incipient 23

২০। The English ___ English. উত্তরঃ speak

২১। The word ‘Culinary’ is related to- উত্তরঃ cooking

২২। Which pair of words is different? উত্তরঃ love, affection

২৩। Do not cry ___ spilt milk. উত্তরঃ over

২৪। Before you gave answers, sir ___ them to us. উত্তরঃ  had sent

২৫। Rahman’s father had only one ___ rule ; no talking at the dinner table. উত্তরঃ immutable

২৬। “The Call of the Wild” was written by ___. উত্তরঃ Jack London

২৭। “The Metamorphosis” was written by __. উত্তরঃ Franz Kafka

২৮। If the books have been catalogued last week, why have not they been placed on the shelf? উত্তরঃ were catalogued

২৯। Social business theory was initially regarded as absurd, unnatural, and ___ with common sense. উত্তরঃ incompatible

৩০। The synonym of “myopic” is ___ .উত্তরঃ short-sighted

৩১। The antonym of “extraneous” is ____ উত্তরঃ pertinent

৩২। The warning of authority falls on deaf ears. Here warning does the function of: উত্তরঃ noun

৩৩। Jasim’s weight is 140% of Masum’s weight. Bashir’s weight is 90% of LImon’s weight. Limon weighs twice as much as Masum. What percentage of Jasim’s weight is Bashir’s weight? উত্তরঃ 12847%

৩৪। y² – 15y + 56 = 0, then y = ? উত্তরঃ 7 & 8

৩৫। a² + 3ab = 145, If a = 5, then what is the value of b²? উত্তরঃ 64

৩৬। If 15% of A is the same as 20% of B, then A : B is-  উত্তরঃ 4 : 3

৩৭। If it is 250 miles from Dhaka to Dinajpur and 120 miles from Dhaka to Pabna, what percentage of the distance from Dhaka to Dinajpur is the distance from Dhaka to Pabna? উত্তরঃ 48

৩৮। It requires Taka 20 for fencing 1 meter. How much will it cost to fence a plot having length of 30 meters and breadth of 10 meters? উত্তরঃ Tk. 1600

৩৯। A man purchased a shirt at Taka 300 after availing a discount of 25%. What is the catalog price of the shirt? উত্তরঃ Tk. 400

৪০। X, Y & Z has started a business with a profit sharing ratio 7 : 8 : 9. If at the end of the year, Y gets a total of Taka 4,000 , what will be Z’s profit? উত্তরঃ Tk. 4500

৪১। Mr. Tanvir purchased stock for Tk. 1,500 and sold ⅔ of it after its value doubled. He sold the remaining stock at 5 times its purchase price. What was his total profit on the stock? উত্তরঃ Tk. 3000

৪২। In New jersey 90% of the population own a car, 15% own a motorcycle, and everybody owns one or the other or both. What is the percentage of motorcycle owners who own cars? উত্তরঃ 3313%

৪৩। In what ratio, water must be mixed with fruit juice costing Tk. 24 per litre so that the Juice would be worth of it. 20 per litre? উত্তরঃ 1 : 5

৪৪। Six years ago Anita was P times as old as Ben was. If Anita is now 17 years old, how old is Ben now in terms of P? উত্তরঃ 11/p+6

৪৫। A coin is thrown 3 times in the air. What is the probabjlity that one head is followed by two tails? উত্তরঃ 1/8

৪৬। Think of a number and then double the number. Add 6 and then multiply the number by TO, Now divide the number by 20; then subtract the number you first thought of. What is the result? উত্তরঃ 3

৪৭। An engine pulls four identical carriages. The engine is 2/3 the length of a carriage and the total length of the train is 86.8m. Find the length of the engine. উত্তরঃ 12.4m

৪৮। If the base of a parallelogram is 8 and the height is 7 and perimeter is 24, what is the area of the parallelogram? উত্তরঃ 56

৪৯। What is the volume of a cylinder with radius 6 and height of 7? উত্তরঃ 252

৫০। How many multiples of 7 are there between 100 and 150?  উত্তরঃ 7

৫১। The average runs of a cricket player of 10 innings was 32. How many runs must he make in his next innings to increase his average of runs by 4.উত্তরঃ 76

৫২। The difference between a number and its square is 72. aby What is the number? উত্তরঃ 9

৫৩। Holkar Trophy is associated with which sport? Ans: Bridge sport

৫৪। The five rings of the Olympic symbol are the five different colors: Red, Green, Yellow, Blue and —. Ans: black

৫৫। Where is Bangladesh Rice Research Institute located? Ans: Gazipur

৫৬। Who is the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council? Ans: Prime Minister 

৫৭। ISBN is related to — ans: Books and publications

৫৮। What is the name of the Central Bank of the United Kingdom (UK)? Ans: Bank of England

৫৯। What color does Yellow and Green make? Ans: Lime

৬০। The smallest continent of the world is — Ans: Australia

৬১। The first English Dictionary was compiled by —.

৬২। In which folder the unwanted mails are stored? Ans: Spam

৬৩। Which is used to measure the clock (the number of cycles) of the CPU per second? ans: Gigahertz

৬৪। The study of collecting stamps and postal materials is called —. Ans: Philately

৬৫। The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is in—. Ans: Basel

৬৬। The headquarters of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is located in—. Ans: Geneva

৬৭। the capital city of Comoros is —. Ans: Moroni

৬৮। The European Union was established in —. Ans: 1993

৬৯। Ukraine withdrew itself from the Soviet Union on —. Ans: 24 August 1991

৭০।  Which organization was the origin of the WTO? Ans: GATT

৭১। Fathomenter is used to measure? Ans: Ocean Depth

৭২। Light Year is related to? Ans: Distance 

৭৩। In a computer, text codes convert letters into? Ans: Binary format

৭৪। The output quality of a printer is measured by- Ans: Dots per inch

৭৫। Which of the following wireless communication system has the fastest speed?  Ans: Fiber optic 

৭৬। The longest river is Asia, Yangtze, is location in —. Ans: China

৭৭। The Massai Mara National Reserveis located in —. Ans: Kenya

৭৮। In MS word, the shortcut key Ctrl+O is used for — Ans: Opening a document

৭৯। The symbol of “$” is used in Microsoft Excel for. Ans: Fixing the cell

৮০। Which of the following is used to select whole document? Ans: Ctrl + A



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hey! My Name is Ambia Akter. My Nickname Sadia. I am very simple and general. 3+ years experience- White Hat SEO (On-page & Off-page optimization), SMM- Social Media Marketing, Website Design & Development, WordPress Design, Customization, and Development. I am working as a blogger and Content Writer for the last 3 Years. I am very happy with my profession. Doing Something new is my passion. I always love traveling. I hope you are enjoying this article. Thanks for visiting this website.

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